Categories: Los Cedros

by Monserratte Vásquez


Within the framework of the forest ranger training course organized by the Los Cedros Scientific Station, aimed at community members of the Los Manduriacos Valley. A certified wild rescue and first aid workshop was held by the Provincial Board of the Imbabura Red Cross, from February 22 to 25.

The course addressed various topics relevant to the reality of the area, focused mainly on responding to emergencies related to the work of forest rangers and the possible risks that may arise within the forest.

It was an exhaustive but absolutely enriching day, merging theory and practice, each of the participants developed skills for such an important task as attending to life-threatening emergencies in a timely and effective manner. The workshop prioritized teamwork and effective response under pressure, in order to align with the reality of emergencies.

In this way we are contributing to promoting a culture of prevention and managing the capacities of the communities in the Los Cedros Protective Forest area to prevent and respond to emergencies through basic first aid. With the purpose of guaranteeing the safety and well-being of those who inhabit the communities, as well as their visitors, both tourists and students, researchers and scientists.

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