Why conduct research at Los Cedros?

The Administration of the Los Cedros Research Station welcomes researchers and conservationists to a virtually unexplored and uncatalogued area of the Neotropics.

Say goodbye to camping mats, tinned beans and bathing in cold rivers! The Los Cedros facilities include very good sleeping and work facilities, hot showers and three meals a day. We realize that the reserve is a remote location and will do our best to accommodate any reasonable concern

Los Cedros has a very open philosophy and will consider any reasonable research project proposal. If you have any questions, then simply contact the station.

Los Cedros

The importance of research at Los Cedros

Located in North-Western Ecuador in the recently less than contiguous Southern Choco zone, this rapidly disappearing biosphere is considered by some to be a Pleistocene refuge area. From the Los Cedros facilities scientists have rapid access to several forest ecosystems both above and below premontane wet forest.

Los Cedros is a Protected Forest according to Ecuadorian legislation and is protected by a Constitutional sentence that guarantees the rights of its nature.

Since the foundation of the Los Cedros Reserve the principal objective of this project has been to stimulate research and community participation in the conservation of this area. It should be added that complete community supervision of the project is the eventual goal. In the interval it is considered a priority that research be conducted into the biological systems that comprise the local biosphere in order to catalogue possible resources in advance of any bioprospecting efforts.


Los Cedros

Conditions for research projects

All scientific projects will be welcome when the following criteria have been met:

The Station, will assist any project in obtaining the necessary permits from the respective authorities for the exportation of scientific samples for the purpose of taxonomic identification. This is a routine procedure and is the only control of biopiracy. The exportation of any substance of plant or animal origin for any other reason must be specifically authorized by the government of Ecuador.

All researchers should be accompanied by Ecuadorian field assistants of university level and share the results of their endeavours with the respective scientific departments of institutions of higher education.

The Los Cedros Station Reserve will provide food and lodging for any Ecuadorian participants in any field research at or below cost.

Researchers are also welcomed to the Los Cedros facilities by special prices that include very good sleeping and work facilities, hot showers and three meals a day. We realize that the reserve is a remote location and will do our best to accommodate any reasonable concern. Special space is available for humidity sensitive equipment.

For scientists


If you are looking to conduct research in an environment like Los Cedros, then we want to hear about your plans! Please contact the reserve with some basic information about yourself and your project and we will get back to you soon, usually within a couple of days. Useful info for us is your name, university or institution, specialist subjects, potential research project details, when you would want to come and how long you would need to stay. A short email is usually sufficient in the first instance. We can also answer any additional questions you have about the area and our facilities.


  • Researchers and students working on pre-arranged projects: $65 at night

  • Price is in US dollars. Fees include all accommodation, bedding and food. Vegetarian cooking is available. Food is plentiful and good.

    Mule transport can be provided for bringing you and your gear up the mountain to the reserve.

  • Los Cedros is a non-profit reserve. All fees go to maintenance, staff wages, and the development of projects which are part of the reserve’s goals of conservation and education.