Scientists from all over the world have conducted research at Reserva Los Cedros. Publication list below.

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YearAuthorsTitleOrganismsPub_websiteFull citation
1993Dodson, C. H. and R. EscobarNative Ecuadorian Orchids, Volume 1: AA - Dracula (Book)Plants-orchids
1993Luer, C. A.Icones Pleurothallidinarum X. Systematics of Dracula (Orchidaceae) (Book)Plants-orchids, C. A. 1993. Icones Pleurothallidinarum X. Systematics of Dracula (Orchidaceae). Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
1994Bronsvoort, Barend M. de C.Small mammal diversity and habitat usage at Los Cedros Biological Reserve EcuadorAnimal-MammalBronsvoort, B. M. d. C. 1994. Small mammal diversity and habitat usage at Los Cedros Biological Reserve Ecuador. Thesis. University of Wales, Bangor, Wales, UK.
1994Dilger, Michael StephenThe diversity and richness of the Macrolepidoptera of Los Cedros Reserve, EcuadorInsectsDilger, M. S. 1994. The diversity and richness of the Macrolepidoptera of Los Cedros Reserve, Ecuador. Thesis, University of Wales (UCNW, Bangor: Ecology), Bangor, Wales.
1996Freiberg, M.The Gesneriad Flora of the Los Cedros Biological Reserve, Northwest Ecuador, Part 1: Four New Species in Gasteranthus (Gesneriaceae)Plants, M. 1996. The gesneriad flora of the Los Cedros Biological Reserve, Northwest Ecuador, Part 1: Four new species in Gasteranthus (Gesneriaceae). Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany 36:303-309.
1997Freiberg, M.The Gesneriad Flora of the Los Cedros Biological Reserve, Northwest Ecuador, Part 2: New Species in Alloplectus, Dalbergaria, Paradrymonia and Pentadenia (Gesneriaceae)Plants, M. 1997. The gesneriad flora of the Los Cedros Biological Reserve, northwest Ecuador, part 2: New species in Alloplectus, Dalbergaria, Paradrymonia and Pentadenia (Gesneriaceae). Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany 37:133-140.
1997Luther, H.A beautiful new Pitcairnia species from Western EcuadorPlants, H. 1997. A beautiful new Pitcairnia species from Western Ecuador. Journal of the Bromeliad Society 47.
1998Freiberg, M.Two Remarkable New Species of Gasteranthus (Gesneriaceae) from Central EcuadorPlants, M. 1998. Two remarkable new species of Gasteranthus (Gesneriaceae) from central Ecuador. Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany 38:167-173.
1999Freile, J. F. and ChavesColombian Screech-owl Otus, J. F., and J. A. Chaves. 1999. Colombian Screech-owl Otus colombianus. Cotinga 12:95-96.
1999Pacheco, L. and R. C. MoranMonograph of the neotropical species of Callipteris with anastomosing veins (Woodsiaceae)Plants, L., and R. C. Moran. 1999. Monograph of the neotropical species of Callipteris with anastomosing veins (Woodsiaceae). Brittonia 51:343-388.
1999Robbins, M. B., and F. G. StilesA new species of pygmy-owl (Strigidae: Glaucidium) from the pacific slope of the northern AndesBirds, M. B., and F. G. Stiles. 1999. A new species of pygmy-owl (Strigidae: Glaucidium) from the pacific slope of the northern Andes. The Auk 116:305-315.
2000Freiberg, M., and E. Freiberg.Epiphyte diversity and biomass in the canopy of lowland and montane forests in Ecuador.PlantsFreiberg, M., and E. Freiberg. 2000. Epiphyte diversity and biomass in the canopy of lowland and montane forests in Ecuador. Journal of Tropical Ecology 16:673-688.
2000Freiberg, MartinThree new species of Gasteranthus (Gesneriaceae) from EcuadorPlants, M. 2000. Three new species of Gasteranthus (Gesneriaceae) from Ecuador. Brittonia 52:203- 209.
2000Freile, J. F., and L. EndaraFirst nesting record of Lanceolated Monklet Micromonacha lanceolata and notes on its conservation statusBirds, J. F., and L. Endara. 2000. First nesting record of lanceolated monklet Micromonacha lanceolata and notes on its conservation status. Cotinga 14:14-16.
2000Hanneman, A.Construction of a Lightweight Canopy Walkway in a Chocó Cloud Forest, EcuadorPlants, A. 2000. Construction of a Lightweight Canopy Walkway in a Chocó Cloud Forest, Ecuador. Selbyana 21:151-155.
2001Dodson, C. H.Native Ecuadorian Orchids, Volume 2: Dresslerella - Lepanthes (Book)Plants-orchids
2001Haffenden, A.Pioneer species ecology: co-existence and ecological differences amongst contrasting speciesPlants
Haffenden, A. 2001. Pioneer species ecology: co-existence and ecological differences amongst contrasting species. University of Wales, Bangor, Wales.
2002Anderson, R. P., and P. Jarrín-VA New Species of Spiny Pocket Mouse (Heteromyidae: Heteromys) Endemic to Western EcuadorAnimals-Mammals<0001:ANSOSP>2.0.CO;2Anderson, R. P., and P. Jarrín-V. 2002. A new species of spiny pocket mouse (Heteromyidae: Heteromys) endemic to western Ecuador. American Museum Novitiates 3382:1-26.
2002Dodson, C. H.Native Ecuadorian Orchids, Volume 3: Lepanthopsis-Oliveriana (Book)Plants-orchids
2003Dodson, C. H.Native Ecuadorian Orchids, Volume 4: Oncidium-Restrepiopsisa (Book)Plants-orchids
2004Dodson, C. H.Native Ecuadorian Orchids, Volume 5: Rodriguezia-Zygosepalum (Book)Plants-orchids
2004Tirira, D.Present status of the brown-headed spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps Gray, 1866) (Primates: Atelidae) in, D. 2004. Present status of the brown-headed spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps Gray, 1866) (Primates: Atelidae) in Ecuador. Lyonia 6:18-24.
2005Berg, C. C., P. F. Rosselli, and D. W. DavidsonCecropiaPlants, C. C., P. F. Rosselli, and D. W. Davidson. 2005. Cecropia. Flora Neotropica:1-230.
2005Clark, J. L.A monograph of Alloplectus (Gesneriaceae)Plants, J. L. 2005. A monograph of Alloplectus (Gesneriaceae). Selbyana 25:182-209.
2005Croat, T. B., J. Lingán, and D. HayworthA new section of Anthurium, sect. Decurrentia — Revision of the Anthurium decurrens-poeppig complex in AmazoniaPlants, T. B., J. Lingán, and D. Hayworth. 2005. A new section of Anthurium, Sect. Decurrentia—Revision of the Anthurium decurrens Poeppig complex in Amazonia. Rodriguésia 56:15-30.
2005Gardener, B.Una comparación de las comunidades de los hongos en los hábitats perturbados, secundarios y primarios en las laderas occidentales de los Andes ecuatorianosFungiGardner, B. 2005. Una comparación de las comunidades de los hongos en los hábitats perturbados, secundarios y primarios en las laderas occidentales de los Andes ecuatorianos. Paper 463. Page 8 Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection: SIT study Abroad.
2006Cooper, M., R. Ridgely, J. F. Ortiz, and O. JahnPlumas (book)Birds, M., R. Ridgely, J. F. Ortiz, and O. Jahn. 2006. Plumas, 2nd edition. Latina, Quito.
2006Gavilanez-Endara, M. M.Demografía, actividad y preferencia de hábitat de tres especies de primates (Alouatta palliata, Ateles fusciceps y Cebus capucinus) en un bosque nublado del noroccidente ecuatorianoAnimals-Monkeysno website found, tesis de licenciatura, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, QuitoGavilanez-Endara, M. M. 2006. Demografía, actividad y preferencia de hábitat de tres especies de primates (Alouatta palliata, Ateles fusciceps y Cebus capucinus) en un bosque nublado del
2006Hughes, V. S.A population survey of the southern mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata aequatorialis) within the Los Cedros Biological ReserveAnimals-MonkeysHughes, V. S. 2006. A population survey of the southern mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata aequatorialis) within the Los Cedros Biological Reserve. MSc. Thesis. Oxford Brooks University.
2006Shanee, N.Reforestation feasibility study around the Los Cedros Biological Reserve North- Western EcuadorPlants,%20N%202006%20MSc%20Reforestation.pdfShanee, N. 2006. Reforestation feasibility study around the Los Cedros Biological Reserve North-Western Ecuador.
2006Shanee, S.Population reinforcement feasibility study for the brown headed spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi fusciceps) at the Los Cedros Reserve, EcuadorAnimals-MonkeysShanee, S. 2006. Population reinforcement feasibility study for the brown headed spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi fusciceps) at the Los Cedros Reserve, Ecuador. Msc. Thesis. Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, United Kingdom.
2007Buestán A., J., R. Navarrete A., and M. T. 2007Lista actualizada de tábanos Diptera: Tabanidae del EcuadorInsectsán A., J., R. Navarrete A., and M. T. 2007. Lista actualizada de Tábanos (Diptera: Tabanidae) del Ecuador. Revista ecuatoriana de higiene y medicina tropical 44:23-78.
2007Justicia, R. M.Ecuador's Choco Andean CorridorConservation, R. M. 2007. Ecuador's Choco Andean Corridor. Dissertation. University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.
2007Tirira, D., K. Paredes, A. Mariscal, and F. NogalesSegundo taller de capacitación de parabiólogos: Manual de apoyoConservation, D., K. Paredes, A. Mariscal, and F. Nogales. 2007. Segundo taller de capacitación de parabiólogos: Manual de apoyo. Primenet and Darwin INitiatve, Cristóbal Colón, Esmeraldas.
2008Clark, J. L., and J. R. ClarkDrymonia collegarum (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from EcuadorPlants, J. L., and J. R. Clark. 2008. Drymonia collegarum (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Ecuador. Selbyana 29:152-156.
2008Cooper, M.Ecuador photo specialBirdsby JL CLARK - ‎2008 - ‎Related articlesCooper, M. 2008. Ecuador Photo Special. Cotinga 29:84-100.
2008Cornejo, X.Four new species of Meliosma (Sabiaceae) from Ecuador and BoliviaPlants[93:FNSOMS]2.0.CO;22008. Four new species of Meliosma (Sabiaceae) from Ecuador and Bolivia. Harvard Papers in Botany 13:93-102.
2008Croat, T. B., M. Joyce, and C. V. KostelacNew Species of Araceae from Western EcuadorPlants, T. B., M. Joyce, and C. V. Kostelac. 2010. New species of Araceae from Ecuador. Willdenowia 40:331-343.
2008Freile, J. F.Bosque Protector Los CedrosBirds, J. F. 2008. Bosque Protector Los Cedros.
2008Jahn, O and Santander, T.Species Action Plan for the black-breasted puffleg Eriocnemis nigrivestisBirds, O., and T. Santander. 2008. Species Action Plan for the black-breasted puffleg Eriocnemis nigrivestis. Aves & Conservación, Quito, Ecuador.
2008Peck, M., Tirira, D. and A. MariscalDeveloping a sustainable network for primates in Ecuador (PRIMENET)Animals-Monkeys, M., D. Tirira, and A. Mariscal. 2008. Developing a sustainable network for primates in Ecuador (PRIMENET). Final Report project number 14-040., Darwin Initiative.
2008Shanee, S., and M. R. PeckElevational changes in a neotropical Fig (Ficus spp.) community in North Western EcuadorPlants, S., and M. R. Peck. 2008. Elevational changes in a neotropical Fig (Ficus spp.) community in North Western Ecuador. Iforest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 1:104-106.
2009Cárdenas, R. E., J. Buestán, and O. Dangles.Diversity and distribution models of horse flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) from EcuadorInsectsárdenas, R. E., J. Buestán, and O. Dangles. 2009. Diversity and distribution models of horse flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) from Ecuador. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 45:511-528.
2009Clark, J. L.Systematics of Glossoloma (Gesneriaceae)Plants-orchids, J. L. 2009. Systematics of Glossoloma (Gesneriaceae). Systematic Botany Monographs 88:1-128.
2009Endara, L., S. Dalström, and A. ReynoldsPleurothallid Orchids of Los Cedros, Environmental & Conservation Programs, The Field Museum, Chicago, ILPlants-orchids, L., S. Dalström, and A. Reynolds. 2009. Pleurothallid orchids of Los Cedros. Field Museum, Chicago.
2009Shanee, S.Modelling spider monkeys Ateles spp. Gray, 1825: ecological responses and conservation implications to increased elevationAnimals-Monkeys, S. 2009. Modelling spider monkeys Ateles spp. Gray, 1825: ecological responses and conservation implications to increased elevation. Journal of threatened taxa 1:450-456.
2010Correoso, M. A.Nuevo reporte y localidades de Rhodea cousini Jousseaume, 1900 (Gastropoda: Subulinidae) para el Ecuador.Gastropods, M. A. 2010. Nuevo reporte y localidades de Rhodea cousini Jousseaume, 1900 (Gastropoda: Subulinidae) para el Ecuador. Dpto. Ciencias de la Tierra y la Construcción Carrera Ingeniería Geográfica y del Medio ambiente. Depto. Ciencias de la Vida Escuela politécnica del ejército ESPE.
2010Cueva, X., and W. PozoDensidad y tamaño poblacional del bracilargo en el Noroccidentte ecuatorianoAnimals-Monkeys, X., and W. Pozo. 2010. - Densidad y tamaño poblacional efectivo del bracilargo en el Noroccidente ecuatoriano. - 9:- 97.
2010de la Torre, S.Los primates ecuatorianos, estudios y perspectivasAnimals-Monkeys la Torre, S. 2010. Los primates ecuatorianos, estudios y perspectivas. Avances en Ciencias e Ingeneirías 2:B27-B35.
2010Dentinger, B. T. M., and B. A. RoyA mushroom by any other name would smell as sweet: Dracula orchidsPlants-orchids,subjectCd-LS92.htmlDentinger, B. T. M., and B. A. Roy. 2010. A mushroom by any other name would smell as sweet: Dracula orchids. McIlvainea 19:1-13.
2010Endara, L., D. A. Grimaldi, and B. A. RoyLord of the flies: pollination of Dracula orchidsPlants-orchids, L., D. A. Grimaldi, and B. A. Roy. 2010. Lord of the flies: pollination of Dracula orchids. Lankesteriana 10:1-11.
2010Lapidus, J.La Historia de la Energía y Desarrollo en Una Comunidad Rural: El Uso e Historia de la Energíaen Santa Rosa de Pacto y las Implicaciones Para el Futuro de los Países en Vías de DesarrolloConservation 2010. La Historia de la Energía y Desarrollo en Una Comunidad Rural: El Uso e Historia de la Energíaen Santa Rosa de Pacto y las Implicaciones Para el Futuro de los Países en Vías de Desarrollo. Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection. Digital Collections.
2011Arcos, I. , Ulloa, R. Torres, O.Informe técnico de base--Mashpi. Propuesta de declaratoria de un área municipal de conservación (microcuencas de los ríos Mashpi, Guacuyacu, Chalpi y Sahuangal), Parroquia Pacto, Distrito Metroplitano de QuitoConservation, I., R. Ulloa, O. Torres, and C. Martínez. 2011. Informe técnico de base--Mashpi. Propuesta de declaratoria de un área municipal de conservación (microcuencas de los ríos Mashpi, Guacuyacu, Chalpi y Sahuangal), Parroquia Pacto, Distrito Metroplitano de Quito. Conservación Internacional Ecuador, Aves & Conservación, Secretaria Ambiental del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, Quito, Ecuador.
2011Clark, J. L. & B. R. KeenerCremosperma verticillatum (Gesneriaceae), a new species from northwestern EcuadorPlants, J. L., and B. R. Keener. 2011. Cremosperma verticillatum (Gesneriaceae), a new species from northwestern Ecuador. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 5:499-504.
2011Clark, J. L., Skog, L. E., Barrie, F. R.Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum XVII: New Combinations and TypificationsPlants, J. L., L. E. Skog, and F. R. Barrie. 2011. Novae Gesneriaceae Neotropicarum XVII: New Combinations and Typifications. Novon 21:413-423.
2011D’Amico, L.Book Chapter: ‘El Agua es Vida/Water Is Life’: Community Watershed Reserves in Intag, Ecuador, and Emerging Ecological IdentitiesConservation’Amico, L. 2011. ‘El Agua es Vida/Water Is Life’: Community Watershed Reserves in Intag, Ecuador, and Emerging Ecological Identities. Pages 433-452 Water, Cultural Diversity, and Global Environmental Change. Springer.
2011Endara, L. and Jost, L.OrchidaceaePlants-orchids, L., and L. Jost. 2011. Orchidaceae. Pages 441-702 in S. León-Yánez, R. Valencia, L. Endara, N. Pitman, and C. Ulloa-Ulloa, editors. Libro rojo de las plantas endemicas del Ecuador 2011. Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador.
2011Kocian, M., D. Batker, and Harrison-CoxAn ecological study of Ecuador's Intag region: The environmental impacts and potential rewards of miningConservation, M., D. Batker, and Harrison-Cox. 2011. An ecological study of Ecuador's Intag region: The environmental impacts and potential rewards of mining. Earth Economics, Earth Economics, Tacoma, Washington.
2011Moscovo, P, Valencia, A., Burbano, M, and Freile, J. F.Primate Observation Guide for Ecuadorian Natural Areas, QuitoAnimals-Monkeys, P., A. Valencia, M. Burbano, and J. F. Freile. 2011. Primate Observation Guide for Ecuadorian Natural Areas, Quito. Ministry of Tourism Quito, Ecuador.
2011Orozco, C. I., and D. CanalCuatresia anomala y Cuatresia physalana (Physaleae, Solanaceae): dos especies nuevas de Colombia y EcuadorPlants, C. I., and D. Canal. 2011. Cuatresia anomala y Cuatresia physalana (Physaleae, Solanaceaea): dos especies neuvas de Colombia y Ecuador Caldasia 33:79-89.
2011Peck, M., J. Thorn, A. Mariscal, A. Baird, D. Tirira, and D. Kniveton.Focusing Conservation Efforts for the Critically Endangered Brown-headed Spider MonkeyAnimals-Monkeys, M., J. Thorn, A. Mariscal, A. Baird, D. Tirira, and D. Kniveton. 2010. Focusing conservation efforts for the critically endangered brown-headed spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps) using remote sensing, modeling, and playback survey methods. Int J Primatol 32:134-148.
2011Silva del Pozo, X.Book: Ecologia de mariposas del EcuadorInsectsSilva del Pozo, X. 2011. Ecología de Mariposas del Ecuador: Ecuador's butterfly ecology. Universidad San Francisco de Quito Quito, Ecuador.
2012Albuja V., L., A. Almendáriz C., R. Barriga S., L. D. Montalvo E., F. Cáceres F., and J. L. Román C.Book: Fauna de Vertebrados del EcuadorAnimals-Mammals V., L., A. Almendáriz C., R. Barriga S., L. D. Montalvo E., F. Cáceres F., and J. L. Román C. 2012. Fauna de vertebrados del Ecuador. Escuela Politécnica Nacional Instituto de Ciencias Biológicas, Quito, Ecuador.
2012Dentinger, R. M.The allure of DraculaPlants-orchids, R. M. 2012. The allure of Dracula. Kew Science:54-55.
2012Doucette, AValidation of Dracula trignopetala (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) with an English diagnosis and descriptionPlants-orchids, A. 2012. Validation of Dracula trignopetala (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) with an English diagnosis and description. Phytotaxa 74:50-59.
2012Gutiérrez, M. J., D. Jiménez, and G. NúñezConservación de los recursos naturales en el EcuadorConservationérrez, M. J., D. Jiménez, and G. Núñez. 2012. Conservación de los Recursos Naturales en el Ecuador.
2012Jack, K. M., and F. A. CamposDistribution, abundance, and spatial ecology of the critically endangered Ecuadorian capuchin (Cebus albifrons aequatorialis)Animals-Monkeys, K. M., and F. A. Campos. 2012. Distribution, abundance, and spatial ecology of the critically endangered Ecuadorian capuchin (Cebus albifrons aequatorialis). Tropical Conservation Science 5:173-191.
2012Meyer, G. E., L. Baquero, and K. M. CameronA New Ecuadorian species of Dracula: Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae)Plants-orchids, G. E., L. Baquero, and K. M. Cameron. 2012. A New Ecuadorian species of Dracula: Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae). Orchideen Journal.
2012Policha, T.Book: Plantas de Mindo: Una guía del bosque nublado del Chocó AndinoPlants, T. 2012. Plantas de Mindo: Una guía del bosque nublado del Chocó Andino. American Herbal Dispensary Press, Eugene, Oregon.
2012Schulte, L. J., J. L. Clark, S. J. Novak, M. T.-Y. Ooi, and J. F. Smith. 2014Paraphyly of Section Stygnanthe (Columnea, Gesneriaceae) and a revision of the species of section Angustiflorae, a new section inferred from ITS and chloroplast DNA DataPlants, L. J., J. L. Clark, S. J. Novak, M. T.-Y. Ooi, and J. F. Smith. 2014. Paraphyly of Section Stygnanthe (Columnea, Gesneriaceae) and a revision of the species of section Angustiflorae, a new section inferred from ITS and chloroplast DNA Data. Systematic Botany 39:613-636.
2013Arteaga, A., M. Yánez-Muñoz and J. M. GuayasaminA new frog of the Pristimantis lacrimosus group (Anura: Craugastoridae) from the montane forests of northwestern EcuadorAnimals-Amphibians, A., M. Yánez-Muñoz, and J. M. Guayasamin. 2013. A new frog of the Pristimantis lacrimosus group (Anura: Craugastoridae) from the montane forests of northwestern Ecuador. Pages 198-210 in A. Arteaga, M. Yánez-Muñoz, and J. M. Guayasamin, editors. The amphibians and reptiles of Mindo life in the cloudforest. Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica, Quito.
2013Boyer, P., and J.-C. PetitInventory of the butterfly species of Cotacachi Cayapas Ecological ReserveInsects, P., and J.-C. Petit. 2013. Inventory of the butterfly species of Cotacachi Cayapas Ecological Reserve:
2013Cárdenas, R. E., Hernández‐L, N., Barragán, A. R., & Dangles, O.Differences in morphometry and activity among tabanid fly assemblages in an Andean tropical montane cloud forest: indication of altitudinal migration?Insectsárdenas, R. E., Hernández‐L, N., Barragán, A. R., & Dangles, O. (2013). Differences in morphometry and activity among tabanid fly assemblages in an Andean tropical montane cloud forest: indication of altitudinal migration?. Biotropica, 45(1), 63-72.
2013Croat, T. B., J. J. Gribb, and C. V. KostelacNew Species of Philodendron (Araceae) from South AmericaPlants, T. B., J. J. Grib, and C. V. Kostelac. 2013. New Species of Philodendron (Araceae) from South America. Aroideana 36E:16-70.
2013Erazo, J., and R. DaríoEvaluación de la distribución geográfica y estado de conservación de ratones bolseros (Rodentia: Heteromyidae) en Ecuador.Animals-Mammals, J., and R. Darío. 2013. Evaluación de la distribución geográfica y estado de conservación de ratones bolseros (Rodentia: Heteromyidae) en Ecuador. Licenciatura en Ciencias Biológicas. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador.
2013Freile, J., R. Ahlman, D. Brinkuizen, P. Greenfield, A. Solano-Ugalde, L. Navarrete, and R. Ridgely.Rare birds in Ecuador: first annual report of the Committee of Ecuadorian Records in Ornithology (CERO)Birds, J., R. Ahlman, D. Brinkuizen, P. Greenfield, A. Solano-Ugalde, L. Navarrete, and R. Ridgely. 2013. Rare birds in Ecuador: first annual report of the Committee of Ecuadorian Records in Ornithology (CERO). 5:B41.
2013Jarrín, R. D.Evaluación de la distribución geográfica y estado de conservación de ratones bolseros (Rodentia: Heteromyidae) en EcuadorAnimal-Mammalín, R. D. 2013. Evaluación de la distribución geográfica y estado de conservación de ratones bolseros (Rodentia: Heteromyidae) en Ecuador. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador.
2013Levy Ortiz, E. M.Patrones fenológicos de comunidades de mariposas (Lepidoptera: Rophalocera) en un bosque húmedo tropical, Reserva Río Canandé, Esmeraldas (Chocó ecuatoriano)Insects Ortiz, E. M. 2013. Patrones fenológicos de comunidades de mariposas (Lepidoptera: Ropahlocera) en un bosque húmedo tropical, Reserva Río Canandé, Esmeraldas (Chocó ecuatoriano). Licenciada en Ciencias Bioógicas. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuaodr.
2014De la Torre, S., T. Arboleda, and A. Alejandra.Estudio piloto sobre la ecología alimentaria del Mono Araña de Cabeza Marrón (Ateles fusciceps) en el Chocó EcuatorianoAnimals-Monkeys la Torre, S., T. Arboleda, and A. Alejandra. 2013. Licenciada en Biología. Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito, Ecuador.
2014Grant, J. R.A Monographic Revision of the Neotropical Genus Macrocarpaea (Gentianaceae) in EcuadorPlants, J. R. 2014. A monographic revision of the neotropical genus Macrocarpaea (Gentianaceae) in Ecuador. Pages 37-147 in J. J. Rybczynski, M. R. Davey, and A. Mikula, editors. The Gentianaceae-Volume 1: Characterization and Ecology. Springer Berlin.
2014Knee, K. L., and A. C. EncaladaLand use and water quality in a rural cloud forest region (Intag, Ecuador)Conservation, K. L., and A. C. Encalada. 2014. Land use and water quality in a rural cloud forest region (Intag, Ecuador). River Research and Applications 30: 385-401.
2014Neild, A. F. E. and Z. BálintNotes on the identity of Evenus coronata (Hewitson, 1865) (Lepidoptera:Lycaenidae:Thelinae:Eumaeomi) with the description of a remarkably overlooked sibling speciesInsectsNeild, A. F. E., and Z. Bálint. 2014. Notes on the identity of Evenus coronata (Hewitson, 1865) (Lepidoptera:Lycaenidae:Thelinae:Eumaeomi) with the description of a remarkably overlooked sibling species. Tropical Lepidoptera Research 24:105-120.
2015Brown, M., A. Mariscal, M. A. Chinchero, and A. DiazBiotic Factors Affecting the Abundance of Vascular Epiphytic Bromeliads Growing in Cloud Forest in Reserva Biologica Los Cedros, EcuadorPlants, M., A. Mariscal, M. A. Chinchero, and A. Diaz. 2015. Biotic factors affecting the abundance of vascular epiphytic bromeliads growing in cloud forest in Reserva Biologica Los Cedros, Ecuador. Annual Research and Review in Biology 6:355-363.
2015Fernández-Fernández, D., E. M. Friere, M. C. Peñafiel, G. Romero, F. Tello, and E. ToapantaCatálogo de especímenes tipo del Herbario Nacional del Ecuador (QCNE), Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias NaturalesPlantsández-Fernández, D., E. M. Friere, M. C. Peñafiel, G. Romero, F. Tello, and E. Toapanta. 2015. Catalogue of type-specimens of the Herbario Nacional del Ecuador (QCNE), Museo Ecuatoriano de Ciencias Naturales. Avances en Ciencias e Ingenierías 7:B39-B87.
2015Guayasamin, J. M., M. Rivera-Correa, A. Arteaga, J. Culebras, L. Bustamante, R. A. Pyron, N. Peñafiel, C. Morochz, and C. R. Hutter.Molecular phylogeny of stream treefrogs (Hylidae: Hyloscirtus bogotensis Group), with a new species from the Andes of EcuadorAnimals-Amphibians, J. M., M. Rivera-Correa, A. Arteaga, J. Culebras, L. Bustamante, R. A. Pyron, N. Peñafiel, C. Morochz, and C. R. Hutter. 2015. Molecular phylogeny of stream treefrogs (Hylidae: Hyloscirtus bogotensis Group), with a new species from the Andes of Ecuador. Neotropical Biodiversity 1:2-21.
2015Guayasamin, J. M., T. Krynak, K. Krynak, J. Culebras, and C. R. Hutter.Phenotypic plasticity raises questions for taxonomically important traits: a remarkable new Andean rainfrog (Pristimantis) with the ability to change skin textureAnimals-Amphibians, J. M., T. Krynak, K. Krynak, J. Culebras, and C. R. Hutter. 2015. Phenotypic plasticity raises questions for taxonomically important traits: a remarkable new Andean rainfrog (Pristimantis) with the ability to change skin texture. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 173:913-928.
2015Hutter, C. R., and J. M. GuayasaminCryptic diversity concealed in the Andean cloud forests: two new species of rainfrogs (Pristimantis) uncovered by molecular and bioacoustic dataAnimals-Amphibians, C. R., and J. M. Guayasamin. 2015. Cryptic diversity concealed in the Andean cloud forests: two new species of rainfrogs (Pristimantis) uncovered by molecular and bioacoustic data. 1:36-59.
2015Thomas, D. C., A. Vandegrift, A. Ludden, G. C. Carroll, and B. A. RoySpatial Ecology of the Fungal Genus Xylaria in a Tropical Cloud ForestFungi, D. C., A. Vandegrift, A. Ludden, G. C. Carroll, and B. A. Roy. 2016. Spatial ecology of the fungal genus Xylaria in a tropical cloud forest. Biotropica 48:381-393.
2015Thomson, R. E., and R. W. HolzenthalA revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Leucotrichia Mosely, 1934 (Hydroptilidae, Leucotrichiinae)Insects, R. E., and R. W. Holzenthal. 2015. A revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Leucotrichia Mosely, 1934 (Hydroptilidae, Leucotrichiinae). ZooKeys:1.
2016Barlow, J.Mystery of Dracula orchids' mimicry is unraveled with a 3-D printerPlants-orchids, J. 2016. Mystery of Dracula orchids' mimicry is unraveled with a 3-D printer: Color and olfactory clues behind the plants' mushroom mimicry to attract pollinators identified. Science Daily.
2016Bird Life InternationalImportant bird and biodiversity area factsheet: Bosque Protector Los CedrosBirds Life International. 2016. Important bird and biodiversity area factsheet: Bosque Protector Los Cedros
2016Cárdenas, R. E.Fine‐scale climatic variation drives altitudinal niche partitioning of tabanid flies in a tropical montane cloud forest, Ecuadorian ChocóInsectsárdenas, R. E. (2016). Fine‐scale climatic variation drives altitudinal niche partitioning of tabanid flies in a tropical montane cloud forest, Ecuadorian Chocó. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 9(2), 87-96.
2016Hervas, F.Cryptic diversity and biogeography of South American salamandersAnimals-Amphibians Sotomayor, F. 2016. Cryptic diversity and biogeography of South American salamanders. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador.
2016Monahan, PHow 3D printing unraveled the Dracula orchid’s disguisePlants-orchids, P. 2016. How 3D printing unraveled the Dracula orchid’s disguise. Science 358.
2016Policha, T., A. Davis, M. Barnadas, B. M. Dentiger, R. A. Raguso, and B. A. RoyDisentangling visual and olfactory signals in mushroom-mimicking Dracula orchids using realistic three-dimensional printed flowersPlants-orchids, T., A. Davis, M. Barnadas, B. M. Dentiger, R. A. Raguso, and B. A. Roy. 2016. Disentangling visual and olfactory signals in mushroom-mimicking Dracula orchids using realistic three-dimensional printed flowers. New Phytologist 210:1058-1071.
2016Rajeshkumar, K.C., Crous, P. W., Groenewald, J. Z., Seifert, K. A.Resolving the phylogenetic placement of Porobeltraniella and allied genera in the BeltraniaceaeFungi, K. C., P. W. Crous, J. Z. Groenewald, and K. A. Seifert. 2016. Resolving the phylogenetic placement of Porobeltraniella and allied genera in the Beltraniaceae. Mycological Progress 15:1119-1136.
2016Vaca, F. S., Willaimson, A, Rubenstein, J, Bouuart, Lomas, F, and Tacuri, B.Birds of Los Cedros ReserveBirds
2016Vandegrift, R.Ecological roles of fungal endophytesFungi, A. 2016. Ecological roles of fungal endophytes. Dissertation. University of Oregon.
2017Holzenthal, R. W., and Blahnik, R. J.Revision of the Northern South American species of Mortoniella, Ulmer, 1906 (Trichoptera: Glossomatidae: Protoptilinae)Insects, R. W., and R. J. Blahnik. 2017. Revision of the Northern South American species of Mortoniella, Ulmer, 1906 (Trichoptera: Glossomatidae: Protoptilinae). Insecta Mundi 0602:1–251.
2017Milagres, C. A., Azevedo, D. M. G., Pereira, O.L., Furtado, G. Q.Epitypification, characterization and phylogenetic positioning of Pseudobeltrania cedrelae, the causal agent of pseudobeltrania spot on Cedrela fissilisFungi, C., D. Azevedo, O. Pereira, and G. Furtado. 2018. Epitypification, characterization and phylogenetic positioning of Pseudobeltrania cedrelae, the causal agent of pseudobeltrania spot on Cedrela fissilis. Forest Pathology 48:e12434.
2017Ríos-Tourma, B., R. W. Holzenthal, J. Huisman, R. Thomson, and E. Rázuri-GonzalesDiversity and distribution of the Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) of EcuadorInsectsíos-Tourma, B., R. W. Holzenthal, J. Huisman, R. Thomson, and E. Rázuri-Gonzales. 2017. Diversity and distribution of the Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) of Ecuador. Peer J PeerJ5:e2851
2017Tebbit, M. C., M. Hughes, A. J. Pérez, and P. W. MoonlightTaxonomy of the Begonia tiliifolia group, including descriptions of two new speciesPlants, M. C., M. Hughes, A. J. Pérez, and P. W. Moonlight. 2017. Taxonomy of the Begonia tiliifolia group, including descriptions of two new species. Edinburgh Journal of Botany 74:199-215.
2017Thomas, D. C.Hitchhiking in the canopy: ecological patterns of forest mycobiomesFungi, D. C. 2017. Hitchhiking in the canopy: ecological patterns of forest mycobiomes. Dissertation. University of Oregon.
2017Vandegrift, R., D. C. Thomas, B. A. Roy, and M. Levy.The extent of recent mining concessions in EcuadorConservation, R., D. C. Thomas, B. A. Roy, and M. Levy. 2017. The extent of recent mining concessions in Ecuador. Rainforest Information Centre, Rainforest Information Centre, New South Wales, Australia.
2018Holzenthal, R. W., Blahnik, R. J. and Ríos-Tourma, B.New species and a new genus of Philopotamidae from the Andes of Bolivia and EcuadorInsects, R. W., R. J. Blahnik, and B. Ríos-Tourma. 2018. New species and a new genus of Philopotamidae from the Andes of Bolivia and Ecuador. ZooKeys 780:89-108.
2018Rázuri-Gonzales, E., Holzenthal, R. W. and Ríos-Tourma, B.New Atanotolica species from Ecuador (Trichoptera, Leptoceridae)Insectsázuri-Gonzales, E., R. W. Holzenthal, and B. Ríos-Tourma. 2018. New Atanotolica species from Ecuador (Trichoptera, Leptoceridae). ZooKeys 793:97–114.
2018Roy, B. A., Zorilla, M. , Endara, L., Thomas, D. C., Vandegrift, R., Rubenstein, J. M., Policha, T., Ríos-Touma, B., Read, M.New mining concessions could severely decrease biodiversity and ecosystem services in EcuadorConservation, B. A., M. Zorilla, L. Endara, D. C. Thomas, R. Vandegrift, J. M. Rubenstein, T. Policha, B. Ríos-Touma, and M. Read. in press. New mining concessions could severely decrease biodiversity and ecosystem services in Ecuador. Tropical Conservation Science.
2019Baquero R., L. E. and D. G. VerkovitchTwo new species of Platystele (Orchidaceae) from Los CedrosPlants-orchids L, Verkovitch DG. 2019. Two new species and new records of Platystele (Pleurothallidinae: Orchidacae) from Los Cedros Reserve in Ecuador. Lankesteriana 19(1): 5-13.
2019Freile, J., E. Guevara, D. Cisneros-Heredia, X. Amigo, and T. Santander.Memorias de la VI Reunión Ecuatoriana de OrnitologíaBirds, J., E. Guevara, D. Cisneros-Heredia, X. Amigo, and T. Santander. 2019. Memorias de la VI Reunión Ecuatoriana de Ornitología. Revista Ecuatoriana de Ornitología.
2019Policha, T, Grimaldi, D. A. , Manobanda, R., Troya, A., Ludden, A., Dentinger, B. M., Roy, B. A.Dracula orchids exploit guilds of fungus visiting flies: new perspectives on a mushroom mimicInsects T, Grimaldi DA, Manobanda R, Troya A, Ludden A, Dentinger BM, Roy BA. 2019. Does Dracula exploit guilds of fungus visiting flies? New perspectives on a mushroom-mimic. Ecological Entomology.
2020Batallas-Molina, R., G. F. Moya-Marcalla, and D. Navas MuñozCatálogo de hongos (Ascomycota y Basidiomycota) de la Colección Micológica del Herbario Nacional del Ecuador (QCNE) del Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INABIO)Fungi, R., G. F. Moya-Marcalla, and D. Navas Muñoz. 2020. Catálogo de hongos (Ascomycota y Basidiomycota) de la Colección Micológica del Herbario Nacional del Ecuador (QCNE) del Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INABIO). ACI Avances en Ciencias e Ingenierías 12:10-10.
2020Maldonado-Erazo, C. P., M. d. l. C. del Río-Rama, P. Noboa-Viñan, and J. Álvarez-GarcíaCommunity-Based Tourism in Ecuador: Community Ventures of the Provincial and Cantonal NetworksPeople, C. P., M. d. l. C. del Río-Rama, P. Noboa-Viñan, and J. Álvarez-García. 2020. Community-Based Tourism in Ecuador: Community Ventures of the Provincial and Cantonal Networks. Sustainability 12:6256.
2020Moreno, E. A., E. Amat, P. E. Meneses, D. A. Donoso, and Á. R. BarragánGreen bottle flies (Calliphoridae, Luciliinae) of Ecuador: geographic distribution, checklist and DNA barcodesInsects, E. A., E. Amat, P. E. Meneses, D. A. Donoso, and Á. R. Barragán. 2020. Green bottle flies (Calliphoridae, Luciliinae) of Ecuador: geographic distribution, checklist and DNA barcodes. Neotropical Biodiversity 6:117-126.
2020Nelson, A., R. Vandegrift, G. C. Carroll, and B. A. Roy.Double Lives: Transfer of fungal endophytes from leaves to woody substratesFungi, A., R. Vandegrift, G. C. Carroll, and B. A. Roy. 2020. Double Lives: Transfer of fungal endophytes from leaves to woody substrates. Peer J 8:e9341
2020Raguso, R. A.Behavioral responses to floral scent: Experimental Manipulations and Multimodal Plant–Pollinator Communication.Plants, R. A. 2020. Behavioral responses to floral scent: Experimental Manipulations and Multimodal Plant–Pollinator Communication. Page 428 in E. Pichersky and N. Dudareva, editors. Biology of Plant Volatiles. CRC PRess, Boca Raton.
2020Reyes-Puig, C., R. J. Maynard, S. J. Trageser, J. Vieira, P. S. Hamilton, R. Lynch, J. Culebras, S. Kohn, J. Brito, and J. M. Guayasamin. 2020. A new species of Noblella (Amphibia: Strabomantidae) from the Rio Manduriacu Reserve on the Pacific slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes. Neotropical Biodiversity 6:162-171.A new species of Noblella (Amphibia: Strabomantidae) from the Rio Manduriacu Reserve on the Pacific slopes of the Ecuadorian AndesAmphibians[PDF]
2020Salazar-Nicholls, M. J., F. Hervas, S. I. Muñoz-Tobar, A.-B. Carrillo, H. Ricaurte, S. R. Ron, and A. Romero-CarvajalA polymorphism in oocyte pigmentation in natural populations of the glass frog Espadarana prosoblepon (Centrolenidae)Animals-Amphibians, M. J., F. Hervas, S. I. Muñoz-Tobar, A.-B. Carrillo, H. Ricaurte, S. R. Ron, and A. Romero-Carvajal. 2020. A polymorphism in oocyte pigmentation in natural populations of the glass frog Espadarana prosoblepon (Centrolenidae). International Journal of Developmental Biology.
2020Sánchez-Herrera, M., C. D. Beatty, R. Nunes, C. Salazar, and J. L. WareAn exploration of the complex biogeographical history of the Neotropical banner-wing damselflies (Odonata: Polythoridae)Insectsánchez-Herrera, M., C. D. Beatty, R. Nunes, C. Salazar, and J. L. Ware. 2020. An exploration of the complex biogeographical history of the Neotropical banner-wing damselflies (Odonata: Polythoridae). Bmc Evolutionary Biology 20:1-14.
2020Teles, D., G. Muñoz, and M. MoensBanded Ground-Cuckoo Neomorphus radiolosus.Birds, D., G. Muñoz, and M. Moens. Survival blueprint: Banded Ground-Cuckoo Neomorphus radiolosus. EDGE, ZSL, Segre Foundation,
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2020Thomas, D. C., R. Vandegrift, and B. A. RoyAn agent-based model of the foraging ascomycete hypothesisFungi, D. C., R. Vandegrift, and B. A. Roy. 2020. An agent-based model of the foraging ascomycete hypothesis. Fungal Ecology 47:
2020Willmott, K. R., G. Lamas, J. P. Hall, L. L. Mota, and T. KellThe common, the rare, and the lost: Descriptions of twelve new species and three new subspecies of equatorial Ithomiini (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Danainae)Insects, K. R., G. Lamas, J. P. Hall, L. L. Mota, and T. Kell. 2020. The common, the rare, and the lost: Descriptions of twelve new species and three new subspecies of equatorial Ithomiini (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Danainae). Tropical Lepidoptera Research:1-49.
2021Amaya-Vallejo, V., C. Bota-Sierra, R. Novelo-Gutiérrez, and M. Sánchez-HerreraTwo new species of Archaeopodagrion (Odonata, Philogeniidae) from the western foothills of the Tropical Andes, with biological observations and distributional recordsInsects, V., C. Bota-Sierra, R. Novelo-Gutiérrez, and M. Sánchez-Herrera. 2021. Two new species of Archaeopodagrion (Odonata, Philogeniidae) from the western foothills of the Tropical Andes, with biological observations and distributional records. ZooKeys 1036:21.bitty needs to add to insect list
2021Clark, J. L., F. Tobar, L. Clavijo, M. Perret, and C. H. GrahamThree new species of Columnea (Gesneriaceae) from the western Andean slopes of Ecuador and ColombiaPlants, J. L., F. Tobar, L. Clavijo, M. Perret, and C. H. Graham. 2021. Three new species of Columnea (Gesneriaceae) from the western Andean slopes of Ecuador and Colombia. PhytoKeys 182:67.
2021Clark, J. L., F. Tobar, L. Clavijo, M. Perret, and C. H. GrahamThree new species of Columnea (Gesneriaceae) from the western Andean slopes of Ecuador and ColombiaPlants, J. L., F. Tobar, L. Clavijo, M. Perret, and C. H. Graham. 2021. Three new species of Columnea (Gesneriaceae) from the western Andean slopes of Ecuador and Colombia. PhytoKeys 182:67.
2021Couvreur, T. L. P., and A. CosiauxIUCN SSC Palm Specialist GroupPlants, T. L. P., and A. Cosiaux. 2021. IUCN SSC Palm Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
2021Dancer, H.Harmony with Nature: towards a new deep legal pluralismlaw, H. 2021. Harmony with Nature: towards a new deep legal pluralism. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 53:21-41.
2021Guayasamin, J. M., R. Vandegrift, T. Policha, A. C. Encalada, N. Greene, B. Ríos-Touma, L. Endara, R. Cárdenas, F. Larreátegui, L. Baquero, I. Arcos, J. Cueva, M. Peck, F. Alfonso-Cortes, D. Thomas, J. DeCoux, E. Levy, and Roy, B. A. 2021.Biodiversity conservation: local and global consequences of the application of “rights of nature” by Ecuadorlaw and all of nature, J. M., R. Vandegrift, T. Policha, A. C. Encalada, N. Greene, B. Ríos-Touma, L. Endara, R. Cárdenas, F. Larreátegui, L. Baquero, I. Arcos, J. Cueva, M. Peck, F. Alfonso-Cortes, D. Thomas, J. DeCoux, E. Levy, and Roy, B. A. 2021. Biodiversity conservation: local and global consequences of the application of “rights of nature” by Ecuador. Neotropical Biodiversity 7(1): 541-545
2021Kass, J. M., S. I. Meenan, N. Tinoco, S. F. Burneo, and R. P. AndersonImproving area of occupancy estimates for parapatric species using distribution models and support vector machinesAnimals-Mammals, J. M., S. I. Meenan, N. Tinoco, S. F. Burneo, and R. P. Anderson. 2021. Improving area of occupancy estimates for parapatric species using distribution models and support vector machines. Ecological Applications 31:e02228.
2021Kass, J. M., S. I. Meenan, N. Tinoco, S. F. Burneo, and R. P. AndersonImproving area of occupancy estimates for parapatric species using distribution models and support vector machinesAnimals-Mammals, J. M., S. I. Meenan, N. Tinoco, S. F. Burneo, and R. P. Anderson. 2021. Improving area of occupancy estimates for parapatric species using distribution models and support vector machines. Ecological Applications 31:e02228.
2021Keil, C. B., and P. W. LozadaCicadellinae of Ecuador and Cicadellidae of GalápagosInsects, C. B., and P. W. Lozada. 2021. Cicadellinae of Ecuador and Cicadellidae of Galápagos. Neotropical Biodiversity 7:23-38.
2021Keil, C. B., and P. W. LozadaCicadellinae of Ecuador and Cicadellidae of GalápagosInsects, C. B., and P. W. Lozada. 2021. Cicadellinae of Ecuador and Cicadellidae of Galápagos. Neotropical Biodiversity 7:23-38.
2021Nakahara, S., P. Matos-Maraví, J. Schwartz, and K. R. WillmottAssessing a generic synapomorphy of Pseudodebis Forster, 1964 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) and a recent speciation with a shift in elevation between two new species in the western AndesInsects, S., P. Matos-Maraví, J. Schwartz, and K. R. Willmott. 2021. Assessing a generic synapomorphy of Pseudodebis Forster, 1964 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) and a recent speciation with a shift in elevation between two new species in the western Andes. Invertebrate Systematics 35:158-180.
2021Nakahara, S., P. Matos-Maraví, J. Schwartz, and K. R. WillmottAssessing a generic synapomorphy of Pseudodebis Forster, 1964 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) and a recent speciation with a shift in elevation between two new species in the western AndesInsects, S., P. Matos-Maraví, J. Schwartz, and K. R. Willmott. 2021. Assessing a generic synapomorphy of Pseudodebis Forster, 1964 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) and a recent speciation with a shift in elevation between two new species in the western Andes. Invertebrate Systematics 35:158-180.
2021Salazar-Nicholls, M. J., F. Hervas, S. I. Muñoz-Tobar, A.-B. Carrillo, H. Ricaurte, S. R. Ron, and A. Romero-CarvajalA polymorphism in oocyte pigmentation in natural populations of the glass frog Espadarana prosoblepon (Centrolenidae)Animals-Amphibians, M. J., F. Hervas, S. I. Muñoz-Tobar, A.-B. Carrillo, H. Ricaurte, S. R. Ron, and A. Romero-Carvajal. 2021. A polymorphism in oocyte pigmentation in natural populations of the glass frog Espadarana prosoblepon (Centrolenidae). The International journal of developmental biology 65:333-344.
2021Willmott, K., G. Lamas, J. Hall, F. Vitale, P. Boyer, J.-C. Petit, J. Radford, and M. Elias.A new species and thirty-eight new subspecies of equatorial Ithomiini (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Danainae)Insects, K., G. Lamas, J. Hall, F. Vitale, P. Boyer, J.-C. Petit, J. Radford, and M. Elias. 2021. A new species and thirty-eight new subspecies of equatorial Ithomiini (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Danainae). Tropical Lepidoptera Research 31.
2021Willmott, K., G. Lamas, J. Hall, F. Vitale, P. Boyer, J.-C. Petit, J. Radford, and M. Elias.A new species and thirty-eight new subspecies of equatorial Ithomiini (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Danainae)Insects, K., G. Lamas, J. Hall, F. Vitale, P. Boyer, J.-C. Petit, J. Radford, and M. Elias. 2021. A new species and thirty-eight new subspecies of equatorial Ithomiini (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Danainae). Tropical Lepidoptera Research 31.
2022Cadena-Ortiz, H., J. Brito, M. C. Ríos, P. Piedrahita, G. Pozo-Zamora, H. Wagner, and J. FreileWhat do we know about the diet of Ecuadorian owls?Birds & Insects, H., J. Brito, M. C. Ríos, P. Piedrahita, G. Pozo-Zamora, H. Wagner, and J. Freile. 2022. What do we know about the diet of Ecuadorian owls? Owls-Clever Survivors. IntechOpen.
2022Gallo-Viracocha, F., C. Urgilés-Verdugo, N. Fuentes, F. Alfonso-Cortes, L. Zurita-Arthos, T. C. Torres, and D. G. TiriraDistribution, conservation, and vulnerability to climate change of the Ecuadorian Brown-headed Spider Monkey (Primates: Atelidae)Mammals, F., C. Urgilés-Verdugo, N. Fuentes, F. Alfonso-Cortes, L. Zurita-Arthos, T. C. Torres, and D. G. Tirira. 2022. Distribution, conservation, and vulnerability to climate change of the Ecuadorian Brown-headed Spider Monkey (Primates: Atelidae). Mammalia Aequatorialis 4:39-52.
2022Guayasamin, J. M., R. M. Brunner, A. Valencia-Aguilar, D. Franco-Mena, E. Ringler, A. M. Armijos, C. Morochz, L. Bustamante, R. J. Maynard, and J. Culebras.Two new glassfrogs (Centrolenidae: Hyalinobatrachium) from Ecuador, with comments on the endangered biodiversity of the AndesAmphibians, J. M., R. M. Brunner, A. Valencia-Aguilar, D. Franco-Mena, E. Ringler, A. M. Armijos, C. Morochz, L. Bustamante, R. J. Maynard, and J. Culebras. 2022. Two new glassfrogs (Centrolenidae: Hyalinobatrachium) from Ecuador, with comments on the endangered biodiversity of the Andes. Peerj 10:e13109.
2022Mariscal, A., D. C. Thomas, A. Haffenden, R. Manobanda, W. Defas, M. A. Chinchero, J. D. Simba Larco, E. Jaramillo, B. A. Roy, and M. PeckEvidence for alternate stable states in an Ecuadorian Andean cloud forestPlants, A., D. C. Thomas, A. Haffenden, R. Manobanda, W. Defas, M. A. Chinchero, J. D. Simba Larco, E. Jaramillo, B. A. Roy, and M. Peck. 2022. Evidence for alternate stable states in an Ecuadorian Andean cloud forest. Forests 13:875.
2022Ramírez Pérez, M. C., and B. HausdorfLow abundance but high land snail diversity in montane rainforest on the western slope of the Andes in Ecuador.Mollusksírez Pérez, M. C., and B. Hausdorf. 2022. Low abundance but high land snail diversity in montane rainforest on the western slope of the Andes in Ecuador. Journal of Molluscan Studies 88:eyab048.
2023Agorini, A.Diversity and distribution of spider pathogens in Kew CollectionsFungi, A. 2023. Diversity and distribution of spider pathogens in Kew Collections. Master of Science in Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, Diversity and Conservation. Queen Mary, University of London.
2023Calderón-Acevedo, C. A., D. M. Morales-Martínez, D. Martínez-Medina, and M. E. Rodríguez-PosadaDistribution and range extension of Anoura cadenai Mantilla-Meluk & Baker 2006 in the central and eastern Colombian Andes, and comments on the distribution of A. fistulata Muchhala, Mena-Valenzuela & Albuja 2005 in ColombiaMammalsón-Acevedo, C. A., D. M. Morales-Martínez, D. Martínez-Medina, and M. E. Rodríguez-Posada. 2023. Distribution and range extension of Anoura cadenai Mantilla-Meluk & Baker 2006 in the central and eastern Colombian Andes, and comments on the distribution of A. fistulata Muchhala, Mena-Valenzuela & Albuja 2005 in Colombia. Check List 19:757-765.
2023Dentinger, B., and G. FurciPsilocybe stametsiiFungi, B., and G. Furci. 2023. Psilocybe stametsii. Index Fungorum 529.
2023Vandegrift, R., D. Newman, B. Dentinger, R. Batallas-Molina, N. Dueñas, J. Flores, P. Goyes, T. Jenkinson, J. McAlpine, D. Navas, T. Policha, D. C. Thomas, and B. A. RoyRicher than Gold: the fungal biodiversity of Reserva Los Cedros, a threatened Andean cloud forestFungi, R., D. Newman, B. Dentinger, R. Batallas-Molina, N. Dueñas, J. Flores, P. Goyes, T. Jenkinson, J. McAlpine, D. Navas, T. Policha, D. C. Thomas, and B. A. Roy. 2023. Richer than Gold: the fungal biodiversity of Reserva Los Cedros, a threatened Andean cloud forest. Botanical Studies 64:1-22.
2024Couvreur, T. L.P., N. Jijon, R. Montúfar, P. A. Morales‐Morales, M. J. Sanín, J. C. Copete, A. Lozinguez, Á. J. Pérez, and E. BeechDiversity and conservation status of palms (Arecaceae) in two hotspots of biodiversity in Colombia and EcuadorPlants, T. L., N. Jijon, R. Montúfar, P. A. Morales‐Morales, M. J. Sanín, J. C. Copete, A. Lozinguez, Á. J. Pérez, and E. Beech. 2024. Diversity and conservation status of palms (Arecaceae) in two hotspots of biodiversity in Colombia and Ecuador. Plants, People, Planet.