

Ciclo de talleres comunitario de Derechos Humanos y Derechos de la Naturaleza

During July and August, in the Magdalena Alto community, located in the area surrounded the Los Cedros Protected Forest, a workshop series was developed to advance Human Rights and Rights of Nature. The course

By |agosto 31st, 2024|

La Estación Científica Los Cedros como un aula viva para el estudio de la biodiversidad

From June 10 to 14, students from Pachamama School (Quito) spent the week pursuing educational projects at the Los Cedros Scientific Station. Applying this effective educational strategy with experimental and observation methods inside the

By |julio 19th, 2024|

Una obra de títeres recorre las escuelas del Valle de Los Manduriacos

On International Children’s Day, the Scientific Station visited some single-teacher schools in the Los Manduriacos Valley to deliver teaching materials, as an educational contribution to the area. We shared a lovely day with the

By |julio 4th, 2024|

Veeduría Internacional para el cumplimiento de la sentencia constitucional a favor del Bosque Protector Los Cedros

An international alliance made up of lawyers, scientists, artists and public figures from different parts of the world, within the framework of the More than Human Rights” Rights” – MOTH, an initiative of the

By |junio 14th, 2024|
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