Categories: Los Cedros

by Monserratte Vásquez


During the months of February and May at the Los Cedros Scientific Station, the first environmental and community communication course took place with young people from the communities surrounding the Los Cedros Protective Forest.

With the aim of involving young people in communication for conservation, research and knowledge about their territory. In addition to promoting the creation and dissemination of audiovisual material from the towns of the Los Manduriacos Valley to publicize the existing potential in the area in terms of creative capacity, such as conservation values, biodiversity, etc.



The course enjoyed age diversity and gender equality among the students, which enriched the learning and creation process. During the course, topics such as biodiversity, characterization of the forest, Rights of Nature, community journalism, territorial mapping, photography of the territory, creation of scripts and characters, production and post-production were addressed.

At the end of the course, two art and communication festivals were held where all the final works of the course were presented to the communities and the International Children’s Day was celebrated with a puppet show with a focus on environmental education.





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